
There are several opportunities to volunteer with the Madison Heights Community Coalition (MHCC). Each year, we implement a series of research projects, events, and community education.

Board of Director

You can serve as a Board of Director when a position opens. The Board’s in charge of planning and implementing the organization’s short and long-term strategic objectives. For more information, check out our Board of Directors Handbook.

Social Media and Content Intern

Every year, our Executive Director selects a Social Media and Content intern to help the organization develop its social presence in the community. Whether digital or in person, the social media and content intern is responsible for disseminating information about substance abuse and prevention and creating a relationship with our community. Check out our Branding and Logo Guidelines.

Research Intern

One of our objectives is to collect, analyze, and disseminate data to the community of Madison Heights. Each year, the Executive Director drafts a community report with support from the Board of Directors to be presented to City Council, local school districts, students and parents. The Research Intern will help support by collecting data on substance abuse and prevention.

Event Support

MHCC participates in a number of events in the Madison Heights community. We could not do this without the support of many community volunteers. If you would like to help us fundraise and raise awareness of the public, the organization needs event support.